Author: Emily Tierney Deciding when to start receiving Social Security benefits is a big decision! You can start receiving Social Security retirement benefits as young as age 62 and as late as age 70. If you start receiving Social Security benefits before your full retirement age, your benefit is … [Read more...]
What is the right time to begin receiving Social Security benefits?
How much student loan debt is too much?
Author: Emily Tierney When it comes to taking out student loans to pay for a college education (or higher), it’s hard to know how much debt to take on. It’s also hard to predict what kind of income your future career will bring and if you will hold that job at that … [Read more...]
What is asset location?
Author: Brent Lemieux CFA® CPA This post is part of our series on how to save tax on investments. By making more tax conscious investing decisions, we give ourselves the opportunity to earn a higher after- tax return without really changing the overall composition of our portfolios. One strategy … [Read more...]
What Is Tax Loss Harvesting?
Author: Brent Lemieux CFA® CPA We all know that investing in the market is not for the faint of heart. The market often behaves like a manic depressive, changing its mood from one day to the next. This can be scary when things get ugly and the market tanks. It’s usually best to stay the course in … [Read more...]
How to Save Tax On Investments
Author: Brent Lemieux CFA® CPA I’d like to state the obvious: taxes are a bummer. They aren’t fun to pay. They aren’t very interesting to learn about. It generally feels better if we just don’t think about them. However, if we ignore taxes when making investment decisions, there’s a strong … [Read more...]