Filing your taxes is never fun. Whether you are working with a tax professional or preparing your tax returns on your own, getting your tax documents pulled together can be a stressful process. This checklist covers the most common items to consider when preparing to file your tax return, such … [Read more...]
Tax Document Collection Checklist
RMD Considerations
Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are mandatory withdrawals from qualified retirement accounts that begin once you reach a certain age, generally age 73 or 75 depending on your date of birth. If you inherit a qualified retirement account, RMD requirements vary based on the circumstances specific … [Read more...]
Year-End Considerations
As the year draws to a close, we would like to share these year-end planning opportunities that could further your financial goals. You may be: Considering year-end charitable or gift giving, and are looking for the most tax-efficient funding strategy to achieve your giving goals. Exploring … [Read more...]
Considerations for Your Taxable Non-Qualified Account(s)
Non-qualified portfolio income can be a significant part of your tax situation. Types of investment income such as interest income, dividend income, and capital gains all factor into your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) on your tax return, making it essential to … [Read more...]
Considerations for Employer-Provided Benefits
Your employer-sponsored benefits play a vital role in your overall financial strategy. It's important to periodically evaluate how these benefits contribute to your long-term financial goals. Perhaps you… Want to make sure your employer-provided retirement plan is optimized for your risk … [Read more...]