Human nature being what it is, small loopholes are likely to be exploited until they become big ones, and big ones until they turn into financial disasters. -Seth Klarman Medicare Open Enrollment Is Here: How are costs changing for 2023? Medicare's Open Enrollment Period - which runs … [Read more...]
Medicare Open Enrollment, Tax Withholdings, & Mullet Contest
Portfolio Income, 529s vs Other Options, & Heidi
Our stay-put behavior reflects our view that the stock market serves as a relocation center at which money is moved from the active to the patient. -Warren Buffett How much annual income can your retirement portfolio provide? Your retirement lifestyle will depend not only on your assets and … [Read more...]
More Encouragement in a Bear Market
Through the first three quarters of 2022, the performance of the market has been difficult to watch. The S&P 500 is down over 20%, and bonds* have declined over 11%. We have seen an increase in volatility, and inflation has risen to levels not seen in decades. It feels like it will never … [Read more...]
Social Security at 62, Retirement Plan Options, & Michael Kitces
The best financial plan has nothing to do with what the markets are doing, nothing to do with what your real estate agent is telling you, nothing to do with the hot stock your brother-in-law told you about. It has everything to do with what's most important to you. - Carl Richards Social … [Read more...]
Student Loan Cancellation, Travel Insurance, & MX
Two essentials for successful retirement are sufficient funds to live on and sufficient things to live for. - Ernie Zelinski New Cancellation for Federal Student Loans and Delayed Repayment to 2023 Just a few days before federal student loan repayment was set to resume, President Biden announced a … [Read more...]