The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller Merging Your Money When You Marry Getting married is exciting, but it brings many challenges. One such challenge that you and your spouse will have to face is … [Read more...]
Merging Finances, Year-End Planning, Santa Visit
Tax-Friendly Giving Strategies, Year-End Checklist, & Santa
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible'. -Audrey Hepburn Tis the Season for Tax-Friendly Giving Strategies You may donate money to charitable organizations throughout the year, for no other reason than your heart-felt desire to support causes that you care about. But … [Read more...]
Year-End Planning, Student Loan Repayment Delays, & Butler High Career Day
Wealth isn't primarily determined by investment performance, but by investor behavior. -Nick Murray Year-End Tax Planning The window of opportunity for many tax-saving moves closes on December 31, so it's important to evaluate your tax situation now, while there's still time to affect your … [Read more...]
Strong Dollar Effects, Aging Parents, & Petty Hike
More people lost money waiting for corrections and anticipating corrections than the actual corrections. -Peter Lynch What Does A Strong Dollar Mean for the U.S. Economy? Intuitively, it might seem that a strong dollar is good for the U.S. economy, but the effects are mixed in the … [Read more...]
Year-End Tax Tips, Your Credit Report, & Oakley
Fear incites human action far more urgently than does the impressive weight of historical evidence. -Jeremy Siegel 2022 Year-End Tax Tips Whether it's deferring income into next year or increasing your withholding to cover a tax shortfall, here are a few year-end tax tips to keep in … [Read more...]