Author: Brent Lemieux CFA® CPA Like the answer to so many other questions, it depends. In order to determine how the money should be invested, and if it should be invested, we need to ask ourselves three main questions: What am I saving for? What does my debt situation look like? Do I … [Read more...]
How Should I Invest In My 20s?
What does the Election mean for your portfolio?
Author: Darrell R. Tierney CFP® CPA PFS Google “election year stock market” and you’ll see much investment history and speculation. When you process news events, particularly politics, don’t blur the lines between the economy, the markets, and the companies you own. These are very different and … [Read more...]
How Self-Employed Business Owners Can Save on Taxes While Saving for Retirement
Author: Drew Osborne CFP® Late winter and early spring are synonymous with tax season around our Windward offices. As we work with our clients to minimize their tax burden, retirement contributions can often be a good strategy to save for the future and also reduce their current tax liability. … [Read more...]
Should I choose a Roth or Traditional IRA?
Author: Brent Lemieux CFA® CPA Roth IRAs have grown increasingly popular and are available to many. Even if your income level excludes you from contributing to a Roth IRA, your employer may have a Roth 401(k) option, which permits even the highest income earners to participate. If you have the … [Read more...]
CNBC Did Not Say This Today
Author: Darrell R. Tierney CFP® CPA PFS Turn off business television. Invest in a diversified portfolio of large, small, and international companies, bonds, real estate, and commodities. Keep your investment expenses to a minimum. Periodically rebalance. Repeat this for the next forty or … [Read more...]