Filing your taxes is never fun. Whether you are working with a tax professional or preparing your tax returns on your own, getting your tax documents pulled together can be a stressful process. This checklist covers the most common items to consider when preparing to file your tax return, such … [Read more...]
Tax Document Collection Checklist
Considerations for Your Taxable Non-Qualified Account(s)
Non-qualified portfolio income can be a significant part of your tax situation. Types of investment income such as interest income, dividend income, and capital gains all factor into your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) on your tax return, making it essential to … [Read more...]
Inherited IRA
The rules governing inherited IRAs have changed significantly in the last five years, adding complexity to the planning process and creating uncertainty regarding how some of the new rules should be applied. Thankfully, with the recent release of final regulations, the IRS has put to rest much of … [Read more...]
529 Plan Distributions
Investing in a 529 plan is a valuable college savings strategy; however, certain rules related to 529 account distributions are often overlooked. These nuances may not become apparent until after a distribution has occurred, potentially resulting in unexpected tax liabilities for the account … [Read more...]
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) have become an increasingly popular and valuable planning vehicle over recent years. They can be very beneficial in many circumstances, allowing you to optimize tax planning as you fulfill your philanthropic goals and support the causes that matter most to you. The … [Read more...]